What Happens If You Don't Pump Your Septic Tank?

What Happens If You Don't Pump Your Septic Tank?

At FJ Rabon Construction, we recommend that the average homeowner have their septic tank pumped every 3-5 years. This is because over time, waste accumulates at the bottom of your septic tank. Eventually, that waste will have to go somewhere! We’d rather take it off your hands than see it back up in your yard or household drains.

So what happens if you don’t pump your septic tank? First, you might start to notice your toilet takes a little longer to flush, or your bathtub takes a few minutes to drain. As time goes on, a foul stench similar to the smell of rotten eggs begins to protrude from the drains in your house. Soon, dirty water or waste will begin to back up into your household drains. This may appear as dark liquid coming up from your kitchen sink, or standing water in your shower coming out from the drain. Once these symptoms come up, stop using your septic system immediately and contact a professional like FJ Rabon to come take a look at your system before the problem worsens.

The problems don’t stop within the walls of your home. If you don’t pump your septic tank, your drainfield will take an enormous hit as well. Once your tank begins to overflow, the liquid and solid waste will start to leak into your drainfield. You may notice that your drainfield feels spongy and soggy, even when it hasn’t rained. Grass may be greener due to the influx of overflowing waste and water under the ground surface, and new lush plants might spring up. In some cases, you may see sludge, raw sewage, or slime oozing from the ground. These problems need to be addressed quickly to ensure that you don’t completely lose your system.

It is a lot easier and cost effective to prevent problems rather than fix them! That’s why the septic professionals at FJ Rabon recommend the average homeowner have their septic tank pumped every 3-5 years. If you see the signs and symptoms of a septic issue that we’ve mentioned above, stop using your system immediately and give FJ Rabon a call to have your system assessed and serviced. We are your local and trusted septic company who will get you back to normal in no time! You can count on FJ Rabon, where your #2 is our #1! Contact us today by clicking here!